Simpleworks Blog


You may remember that the Colorado Department of Transportation was attacked by ransomware twice – one of which was successful – earlier this year. The successful attack sent 2,000 employees back to using paper and pencil for over a week. What many don’t know is that small businesses are just as big of a target […]


Ransomware has been all over the news recently. If a company as large as Equifax can fall victim to a ransomware attack, you can be sure small businesses are at risk. No organization – no matter its size – is immune to attack. Why Would I Be a Target? Many business owners mistakenly think their […]

simpleworks logo at the front desk

  At Simpleworks, fall is a time of new beginnings. We have two major announcements to share with you on our new beginnings: Our new website is now live, check it out! Your invited to our Open House! This relaunching of the Simpleworks brand is focused on conveying our message of “Simplicity” to you – […]

At Simpleworks, we recognize the need for our customers to have access to as many of our support services as possible. To address this need, our recently redesigned website has an advanced computer services customer portal that features customization options, communication tools, and useful information. We are already receiving great feedback about the added capabilities […]

Not every company has an IT infrastructure and budget large enough to justify full managed services of their environment. And some companies are only looking for a little help in supporting their environment. Nevertheless, nearly all companies rely on their IT to keep business operations productive and profitable. Simpleworks understands that small businesses require operational […]

Clear the Way to Your Business with Unified Communications Communication solutions have one basic function: removing obstacles between you and your customers. A basic technology like the telephone allows people to communicate without having to be face to face, removing the obstacle of distance. Today, though, there are many different ways that people communicate (phone, […]

Most business owners wouldn’t imagine operating without an insurance policy to cover break-ins, accidents, fires, and other unforeseeable disasters. But many businesses fail to appreciate the need to insure their precious online property—their data. A catastrophic loss of data can not only disrupt normal business operations; it can actually have an adverse effect on your […]

A screenshot of an email account's Spam foider

Spam has been an unavoidable nuisance as long as there has been email. It’s not hard to see why: spammers can send out millions of emails for free. Even if only 1 person in 1,000 buys the product, spam is generating hundreds or even thousands of additional sales. As email clients have matured, they’ve gotten […]

Businessman at a computer feeling good

The Internet is certainly faster today than ever before. If you were around during the early days of dial-up, you probably remember waiting minutes for a single web page to load. But today, even our smartphones generally connect to the Internet and download content almost instantaneously. Speed has come to be expected. Because of this, […]

Man holding two phones with a disgusted look on his face

If your business is like most, you can’t function without your phones. But it’s not just phone service that you need: voicemail, transferring, eFax, hold queues, and other features may be necessary for you to conduct business efficiently and productively. Then there’s the cost of these features to consider. Thanks to advances in digital technology, […]